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Student Experience Survey Postgraduate 2022

2022 Student experience survey postgrad highlights infographic, see second tab for text version 2022 Student Experience Survey postgrad infographic

Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT)

2022 SES (Student Experience Survey) postgraduate highlights

The SES is an annual national survey of first and later year undergraduate and postgraduate students conducted at Australian universities and other providers.

2205 Deakin Postgrads surveyed told us about their experience.

81% thought the overall quality of their education experience at Deakin was 'good' or 'excellent'.

Student satisfaction

Compared to other universities, Deakin performed really well:

  • 84% for teaching quality
  • 80% for student support
  • 82% for skills development
  • 86% for learning resources.

Your feedback allows us to understand how we are contributing to students' experiences, and helps identify areas of good practice and areas that we need to improve on.

You can do your own comparisons at compared.edu.au.

Source: 2022 Student Experience Survey, Institutional Research and Survey, Academic Governance and Standards, Deakin University

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